
3 Common Eczema Triggers You Should Watch Out For

When it comes to skincare and constant maintenance, no condition demands more care, consideration, and attention than eczema. While certain conditions like psoriasis, acne, and rashes each have their own hurdles that are challenging, this condition tends to stand out because of how complex the whole treatment process is. From the medications used to establishing a solid line of progress, the list of hurdles that encompasses the treatment program are each difficult in their own right. In spite of all the...

organic skincare

Natural vs Organic: Which Is Better for Your Skin?

Many beauty enthusiasts are now making a conscious effort to lead a sustainable and healthy lifestyle and take better care of the environment, which prompted the rise in popularity for organic and natural skincare products. However, picking the right product for your skin can be confusing, most especially since the terms “organic” and “natural” are often used interchangeably. Some products may mislead consumers because of their labels, and users can also assume that natural and organic products are the same. As...


3 Benefits to Living a Natural and Sustainable Lifestyle in 2020

Consumers and beauty brands are seeing the importance of eco-friendly living - and it certainly goes both ways. It’s up to you to find the best brands that support clean beauty, which is why there is a growing demand for sustainable products. It’s a growing trend that doesn’t seem like going out of season anytime soon. Businesses are producing or supporting sustainable manufacturing, while consumers can help by making more environmentally-conscious purchase decisions - be it for beauty, nourishment, and other...

organic products

Why Switch to Organic Products: 5 Skin Benefits

If you read articles on how to get glowing skin, you often read tips about the importance of hydration and proper diet. Having a healthy lifestyle plus using the right skincare products help give you youthful and glowing skin. Unfortunately, not all skincare products are safe to use. Most mainstream products in the market today contain harmful chemicals, such as parabens, fragrances, propylene glycol, and more, to make them look and smell nice. What you put on your body reflects on your...


Sensitive Skin Care: Do I Really Need Different Products?

A product’s label says it’s made just for sensitive skin, or it’s hypoallergenic, or it’s extra gentle. Can you believe these claims? Do you need to buy special products if your skin is sensitive? Not necessarily.

The back of the package may tell you more than the label on the front. Check the ingredients list, not the marketing claims, before you buy, says Annie Chiu, MD, a dermatologist in Redondo Beach, CA. Avoid things that could irritate your skin, Chiu says. Watch...


11 Common Causes of Skin Rashes

Organic Covet looks at the most common causes of skin rashes and how to avoid them.

Sunscreen and Skin Irritation

Sunscreen offers valuable protection, but some formulations may cause problems if your child has sensitive skin. Look for sunscreens without para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA), an ingredient that may be irritating. For children over 6 months old, apply broad-spectrum sunscreen- blocking UVA and UVB rays- of SPF 30 or higher. Using a sunscreen with zinc oxide is a good idea. For babies under 6...

Natural Ingredients

7 Best Natural Ingredients For Your Skin

The beauty world is brimming with high-tech devices and cutting-edge ingredients, but when it comes to handling some of the most common skincare problems, newer isn't always better. In some cases, simple natural options might be as effective as scientifically engineered solutions.

"Many of my patients practice 'clean' eating and want to extend that philosophy to their skincare routine," says Papri Sarkar, MD, a dermatologist in Brookline, MA. "Finding effective clean beauty products isn't as simple as finding organic produce at...